
jueves, octubre 25, 2007

caen las seis

No tengo nada que comer
ya no queda pan
no queda té
debo salir
trabajar una vez más
si pusiera un poquito
un rollito de billetes
a refrigerar
no pienso en nada más
cuando caen las seis
y no hay nada que comer
un poco más flaquito
no tengo ni un porrito
pa´ sentirme bien

lunes, septiembre 03, 2007

hoy si tengo

está lloviendo
y granizando
dónde dejé el casco? la metralla celestial me quiere partir la
en dos
dos partes separadas
como la naranja despertadora de la mañana
mañana que es tarde y eso ya parece habitual
esta luz que hace parecer todo como si estuviese acabando como si
todo el día fuese el final del día
dónde está ese casco que usaba cuando corría en bicicleta?
me haría bien ahora
en bici
en mi bici azul
recuerdo que tenía un número al frente y que no significaba nada, no
era ni mi edad ni el año en que nací, ni el número de mi casa, ni
cuantos amigos podía contar. era un dibujo. y no era mío tampoco.
el granizo ya se fue. el resto se derrite allá fuera. al parecer
todo está pasando allá afuera. yo aquí sólo siento hambre como
certeza, como despertador, como conciencia.
Hoy si tengo plata, así que corro por algún placer privado para mi lengua
ella si es mía..
o soy de ella?

sábado, marzo 10, 2007

W. doesn´t stand for World

Algunas esquinas de Montevideo estaban tomadas por algunos uniformes.
I got caught in the cross fire of restrained bullets and harmless photoshoots, can tell Agent Smith really exists but only have blurry kodak moments to prove it.
this kind of gringos is just like the ones on movies.. spent all afternoon waiting for an explosion... not killing anyone but a big explosion (well maybe killing some one).
helicopter was following me, but only for a second. I shot at it, it didn´t shoot back, I guess. Maybe I´m in some security database now.. does it make me feel more important?
I don´t want them to shoot me to become important.
They say we cannot go to the breakwaters line, it´s forbidden for everyone. Some guy yells from a passing by car... it has POLICIA written on the door and big lights over the roof. He says "Enano podrido guaaaaaaaaa" to this guard standing near me. I´m sunbathing in a muted war zone.
last night was first karaoke here.. all kids, all drunk.. interchange students of Universidad Católica. They don´t care what´s happening, why sould I?
They are from everywhere.. chicanos, germs, frenchies.. even a chilenito. Im from there too.
They were eating some UR$130 beef. I saved the money.
When everyone went out I put my stuff together and drank a bottle of beer left by someone and grabbed some cheese and bread from what wasn´t cooked. This kiwi guy tried to do some piano impro, I laughed a lot and followed him with a five strings guitar (fifth one missing) and he felt aslept over the keys.
Went to sleep only wanting to go and lay on the beach my feet fingers lost in the sand, my hands fingers lost in your hair.

domingo, marzo 04, 2007

Picture virus

something changes in pictures you have on your computer.
it`s a little more black here, a little less white there, yellows tend to ocre, greens get blues. maybe shadows are darker.
it happens without opening any suspicious email titled "news from home" or "you can´t miss this!". it happens when computer and user are idle, staring at each other.
it happens while recording a dvd with a movie copied for the 33th time, or less.
it`s a sort of virus that doesn´t spread through a network nor copies itself. it is aparently embeded into the operating system. waiting to suddenly appear. maybe a certain key combination stroke. maybe a new peripheral. or just temperature. no one knows.
having a cup of tea is useless, its only function is to give you time to have your hands off the keyboard, feel the breathing inside the mug breathing back at you as she was nights ago, over the pillow, somewhere else.
photo library icon reveals 4556 pictures, wonder if software has a limit on that number. latest ones are from a company celebration, everyone cheering, smiling and having a good time. guess thats what it was meant to, but something is wrong now. something diferent in every face, every look, every smile.
(are the ice cubes gone in every glass?)
im there too.. got my head on the mirror beyond co-workers, flash ate my face.
the guy with the super sweated armpit light blue shirt, always with new ties, none of them away from the beige spectrum.
the girl at the reception with the thing in her tongue and her eyebrow and her lower lip and her ear, ten times her ear, and as been told her clit too. actually not told, I know.
the kid that wasn´t supossed to be there, son of someone, playing in the corner with the espresso machine and a mouse with a blinking red light.
red lights. green lights around a tree. close up. a bottle of a milky spirit. a sticky glass. close up on the lips mark. collection of lipmarks around the table.
red light inside the transparent espresso machine jar. 4" 320x240 video.
cockroach walking away from an ashtray left on the floor.
a guy setting the ashtray on fire. close up on the flames. sixteen pics of that.
brown tan roach lying on gray rug legs up.
guy dripping milky spirit drops on roach.
his smile first plane, blurry stain on the floor on the background.
ceiling. twenty two pics.
somewhat of a face in the lines of the celing, my hand pointing at it from one side of the frame.
collection of shoes leaving the office. ten of them details on high heels. two catching ankles and tighs. one blurry of a skirt.

miércoles, febrero 28, 2007

a C3PO le suena haiku

diferentes no son colores sino protocolo-colos diferentes

miércoles, febrero 21, 2007

Hasta la vista Raby

Los pies en la tierra y toco el computador, la corriente me despierta.
En la República de al lado no hay calles con mi nombre, aquí tampoco. Las venas abiertas es una broma que cuelga de las banderas en todas las marchas, la Poderosa es una virgen que se seca en las camisetas de los turistas a los que se les seca la boca con la carne que se puede comer aquí por lo que para ellos son unos pocos papeles. A mi se me secan los ojos frente a la pantalla y la alegría si es brasileña. Cómo que no..
Vacaciones si, donde pudo haber sido el comienzo y aún puede ser el mañana, donde pueden venir después de asesinar al marido o a la república de al lado. Hay vacantes, la tierra paterna llama con un dedo en tu frente y el otro en el gatillo. Pa pa boleta, Pa repechaje, tchic reload. Level uncompleted, bonus for someone else.
Ok, dejen de mover el cable o el mensaje no va llegar nunca, estoy esperando a que se vaya.. formando palabras a ver si en alguna combinación esta la clave.
En la oreja el audifono y toca algo para despertar, soy un ordenador.
Coño tío, soy un diccionario con sentimientos. Soy un diccionario con corazón mamá! compréndelo por favor. por favoooor. quiero seguir quiero parar ... oh mamaaaaa.. quiero dejaaaar.. de pensaaaaar... oh maaaama... I didn´t mean to make you cry.

ganas de pelear

si aún te quedan ganas de pelear
ganas de pelear
gástalas conmigo
esperando estoy
viajando voy
hacia ti
donde estés
te haré
muy fuerte
donde estés
frente a ti estaré